Friday, December 19, 2014

Flying by Faith

“It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going.” Hebrews 11:8
Earlier this summer, my husband and I took a much needed vacation, just the two of us. I had been so pre-occupied with all of the necessary preparations during the weeks that led up to our departure, that I was anxiously awaiting the upcoming stillness that lied ahead. As our first plane took off into the vast openness, I found myself mesmerized with the beauty of the sky that surrounded us. We became like a speck of dust against the blue and white canvas that encompassed the plane. I began meditating in deep thought, and could only imagine what was to come. As we reached our maximum cruising altitude, I decided to open up the Word, sit back, and let Him speak to me. Almost immediately, before I could even dig deep into my study, I could sense a stirring within my heart. The quietest voice could be heard, yet it was loud and clear. It was almost as if the pilot himself had spoken over the intercom instructing the cabin to fasten our seat belts as turbulence was approaching.

“I will prepare you, but be ready.”

If you have walked in faith for any length of time, you have hopefully come to realize that the changing of seasons is inevitable. They will come upon us, it is just a matter of when. God allows certain things to take place for numerous reasons. It may be to transition you to become better equip from a bigger picture perspective, to humble you, to bring you closer to Him, or even to use your season as a platform for others to witness. Whatever the case may be, He will always prepare you for what is coming. Are you actively making it a point to listen? Do seasons of change catch you off guard, or is your armor already fitted for battle?

One of my favorite books in the Bible is Hebrews, chapter eleven. Many types of commentary refer to this particular set of scripture as “The Hall of Faith.” Verse 4: “It was by faith that Abel brought a more acceptable offering to God than Cain did.” Verse 5: “It was by faith that Enoch was taken into heaven without dying” or how about Verse 7: “It was by faith that Noah built an ark to save his family from the flood.....” Did you catch the pattern here?

Each of the people listed throughout this book were those of faith who died without ever seeing their fruit of their faith on earth. Yet, they never lost their vision, their hearts remained focused on what He had prepared for them. They understood that the greatest of all rewards was what they would receive eternally through their faith in Him. I do not know what it is you may have on your plate right now. However, I do know that if you are not eating the fruit of His word, friends you are missing out on the sweetest part of the feast. Each of those written about here in this chapter had a choice; to follow what was being asked of them or not. God may very well be calling on you right now. Are you listening?
The next time you find yourself among a season of change, just as an airplane relies on its engines to propel it through the skies; allow God to be your pilot and keep your tanks full, steady your course, sit back, relax, spread your wings and just enjoy the ride.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Stefanie Calens

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Blossoming Patience

For 10 years we’ve had a dwarf grapefruit tree in our backyard whose sole purpose has apparently been to block errant soccer balls and provide symmetry for our landscaping motif. For 10 long years we waited patiently for this little tree to produce fruit – yet the tiny tree yielded nothing.

This past spring my boys were playing soccer in the back yard when my son kicked a ball against the base of the tree. When he retrieved the ball what should his wondering eyes behold, but a grapefruit that in his words was “as big as my head!”

Finally the little tree that wouldn’t – finally did! Now months later, our little tree that for so long was an underachiever is at last filled with giant citrusy orbs vying for their place in the Guinness Book of World Records. Because we couldn’t see progress in our tree for 10 years, we assumed that nothing would ever develop on the tree. Little did we know that under the ground the roots of the tree were growing just waiting for the right opportunity to blossom and thrive.

Watching the miraculous re-birth of a tree that we’d long since given up on reminds me how God oftentimes works in our lives. We pray repeated prayers only to feel as though God’s not listening to us and that we’ll never get an answer. Just because we can’t see progress with regards to a prayer request doesn’t mean that God is ignoring us; it simply means that He may be working behind the scenes doing something less obvious – waiting for just the right time and opportunity to answer our prayers.

Our little tree has taught me the importance of waiting on God and trusting that His plan is not always the same as my plan. Just because we can’t see progress doesn’t mean that progress isn’t happening. Be it a landscaping challenge or something more serious like healing or salvation – we simply need to learn to wait on God.

Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.  James 5:7-8 (NLT)

Blessings in Christ,
Kathy Kurlin

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dear Daughter,

One step. I’m asking for one step. A step away from shame and condemnation. A step away from the wrong thoughts that have plagued your soul like a disease that eats the body. Your worth to me? That of the finest gold and most beautiful tapestry. I am not the One who holds an account of all you’ve done wrong. I do not keep track of your wrong decisions or misguided attempts. No! Understand! I long to take them from you, to remove them and exchange them for the good things I have for you. You want freedom? It is mine to give. You want forgiveness? I offer it - take it now! You want peace? I live in it. You want purpose? I have that too. Stop living life with no direction. Stop calling out to the pursuits that bring emptiness and want. Let go of your past and rush toward a future designed by your heavenly Father. My plan is perfect, and it is filled with that which you want- security, opportunity, peace, forgiveness, excitement, and purpose.

Do not take advice from those who do not understand My ways. Stop looking for approval from people who don’t know you like I do. You do not need the approval of man. See? This is My plan- to approve of you just as you are- broken, split apart, wanting, unsure, unrested. I take the broken vessel, and I bind it together with clay. My hands, those of the Master Potter, fill every crack, every imperfection, every source of leak - I fill the cracks and create a beautiful vessel designed to hold Living Water. Allow Me to heal you, fill the cracks, make you whole and able to be a vessel for the Living Water. If you step out and give me permission to take your hurts, disappointments, and mistakes; and if you allow Me to mend you, fill you, heal you; then you will look back on this day as a new beginning. You will see that you, yes YOU, have become a beautiful vessel filled with My goodness.

Healed. Restored. Forgiven.

God, your Heavenly Father

Friday, November 7, 2014

Facing Friendships

As I have grown older, I have found that my inner circle of friends has become significantly smaller. There is truth to realizing that if you do not have people in your life that can love you unconditionally through your transparency, they can never truly appreciate your transformation. A greater gift it is to hold only a few solid rocks, than being surrounded by an entire quarry of ones who just don’t make the cut.

As women, one of the most difficult obstacles to face is the reality of our friendships. This is not to be confused with the act of fellowship. I am referring to those people in your life who truly know you, know what lies deep within your heart, and despite your flaws (we all have them), they continue to walk this life alongside you. As I have prayed over the message God has spoken to me this week, I feel as though this is one we could all stand to hear. The Bible is clear on what friendships were designed to do, and it is imperative as Christ followers we make an intentional effort to seek those who in turn, make us better people. In 1 Corinthians 15:33 Paul preaches to the church in Ephesus, warning believers “Do not be fooled by those who say such things for bad company corrupts good character.” In this passage, he is specifically referring to our relationships with others who deny the resurrection of Christ. However, I also believe this applies to our very relationships with fellow Christians.

Do not misunderstand what I am saying. I believe in a healthy mix of relationships with believers and non. What I am specifically implying today is in regards to fellow Christians. These relationships are held to a higher standard as we share with each other a mutual love for Christ. I ask you this, do you have someone in your life who is toxic? Do you find yourself constantly emerged within the latest circle of gossip, with no other purpose but to satisfy the flesh? One of the many signs of spiritual maturity is to know when to walk away from someone or something who has a negative impact on our soul. You are surely mistaken if you think you can associate with certain people, but not allow for their influence to slowly creep into your life. Beware, the enemy is exceptionally skilled in this process!

Proverbs 27:17 says “As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.” Ladies, we all need people who will challenge us, convict us, and help us to grow in Christ. We are called to hold each other accountable, while speaking truth in love. This passage emphasizes the fact that there is a mental sharpness that transpires from surrounding yourself with certain types of people. We require friends to pour into us in an effort to replenish what we are hopefully pouring out into others, Christian and non. All too often I find myself counseling other women who are devastated to find out those they thought to be a friend are nowhere to be found once the dust has settled. One of things I always encourage others with is understanding that it is a blessing to feel heartache in these situations, as you will quickly sift out the sand from the rocks.

Make it a point today to reflect upon those you have allowed in your life. Reflect upon what kind of friend you are to others as well, and make changes in the areas He is leading you to.

Pray about who it is that are considered to be your rocks, build your castle with them and allow for His waters to wash the sand away.

Stefanie Calens

Friday, October 24, 2014

What if?

I admit it. I am a “What if?” kind of gal. Thoughts and plans are often centered on that question in my every day life. Sometimes it is good to go down that path while making plans. Like, what if I don’t have enough water in my car as I make a trip across the desert? Or, what if we don’t have enough money to live on in 20 years? Or, what if I don’t have the time to volunteer for that event after I said I’d do it? But, other times it is a distraction to the end goal.

God has given us the ability to make decisions and we often choose to worry about the details instead of trusting Him. He wants us to listen to His direction and act accordingly because it is always in our best interest. But, we often put ourselves in control forgetting how we can depend on Him in everything.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says,
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

What if I trusted? What if I didn’t try to understand? What if I gave Him my everyday decisions? What if my path was straight and He is in control? The only thing that is in the way is me and my thoughts of being in control.

It is a good idea to consider the question, “What if I don’t do the laundry this week?” Obviously you won’t be comfortable wearing dirty clothes. (And neither will the people around you!) But, in other areas of your day, listen intently to what God is telling you as you move through the moments. What if you did this everyday? You will gain the practice of confidence and love.

Sherree Fischer
loveSTRONG ministries
Speaker/Facilitator Team Leader

Friday, October 10, 2014

Baptized in Patience

My church holds Water Baptism ceremonies during regular church services every few months. I’m always blessed to see young children getting baptized and to see the excitement on their faces as they begin their journey with the Savior.

A few months ago I was particularly thrilled to witness the water baptism of an elderly woman who looked to be in her early 80s. What a merciful God we serve that He patiently waited for this woman for over 80 years to come to know Him personally.

Watching this woman emerge from the water I wondered at the people who were there supporting her and cheering for her. It’s likely that her cheering squad represented a group of people who may have been praying for her salvation for months or years; perhaps even decades.

I have several family members whose salvation I’ve been praying for, for many years. The temptation to give up on certain loved ones is sometimes overwhelming, especially when it appears as though our prayers are having no impact on their lives.

Just a couple of weeks ago I found myself getting particularly frustrated with a family member who simply wouldn’t “get with the program” and come to know the Lord. In the midst of my discouragement and worry that this loved one will surely end up in hell, God reminded me of the 80-year-old woman whose baptism I was blessed to witness a few months back.

God gently admonished me that I’m not perfect and I continue to mess up, yet He has never given up on me – thank goodness! Even though my loved one’s lack of enthusiasm for all things spiritual discourages me – I cannot give up on praying for their salvation and believing that eventually – they will get with the program – even if it takes 80 years.

If we have friends or family members that we find ourselves continually frustrated with because they haven’t yet accepted Christ, we must be steadfast in our commitment to pray for them. Even though we can’t see anything happening in the natural world, we must trust that God is still on the job and the program just might be about teaching us patience as we wait on Him.

“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” John 6:33 (NLT)

Blessings in Christ,
Kathy Kurlin

Friday, September 19, 2014

My Little Spot

I have this little spot. It’s in my bedroom and it’s so warm and cozy. Using my favorite colors, I decorated it to entice me to grab my Bible or a great book and want to just nestle in for hours. My husband even surprised me one weekend when I was away and put wood floors down in this special spot.

Every day, a few times a day, I pass this spot. Each time I pass, I look at it and think, “I just want to stop and plop down for the rest of the day without a care in the world.” But instead, I find myself being too busy with all the things that must be done. Laundry, making dinner, helping the kids with homework, etc. And back and forth I go, as my little spot watches from afar.

It’s been about 2 years since my spot has existed and I can count on one hand the number of times I have sat there. Not even for very long, either. I began to think about why this was the case. I so deeply desired to stop and enjoy this spot on many occasions each day. And I remember the giddy feeling I had while creating the spot eager for the gift it would provide. Yet I didn’t do anything to make the time to stop.

Until recently.

I am a Type A, busy kind of girl. I like the fast pace of life. I like to do things that need to be done. It’s how I am wired, I suppose. But that certainly doesn’t mean that I don’t need time to slow down and find that “breathing room”; time to spend with God, allow my mind to rest and be “filled” with the calm and quiet that my little spot could provide. But, I recognized that I would have to cut many things from my schedule for this to happen - things I enjoyed, things I was good at, things that I really didn’t want to give up. I had to reprioritize and recognize that I can make time for my little spot. I needed to make time for my little spot.

Matthew 11:28-30 says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Over the past month, I can’t even count on two hands the number of times I have enjoyed my little spot. I learned that it can also be a great place to read with my children, watch the birds from the back yard and of course, allow that time with God and prayer. I have felt the calmness that slowing down, cutting things out and just taking time to rest has provided. I feel more joyful. I am more patient with my children. I enjoy the little things in life. And for once, I can just sit without feeling guilty of neglecting something that needed to be done.

Go, today, and find that little spot. And more importantly…use it.

Jeni Barbush
loveSTRONG ministries
Executive Director

Monday, September 8, 2014

Messy Flower

My beloved 5-year-old came running in the house after school, pulling at the zipper of his backpack before he even got in the door. “Mommy! I have something for you! I can’t wait till you see it!” As he pulled out the card he’d made for me in school that day, his face fell and his little eyes filled with tears. The card, decorated enthusiastically (and liberally) with glitter-glue, obviously hadn’t dried before he packed it away and his entire artistic effort was reduced to sparkly smears inside his backpack. Only a few glittery remnants remained and testified to the sparkling masterpiece it had once been. “I used the special-est blue they had and put on extra gold and a beautiful pink for you” he sniffed as he pointed out all the places it had once been painstakingly and lovingly decorated. “I worked so hard! But now…” his voice cracked as he held back tears. I held his smeared effort in one hand and hugged him close with the other. His disappointment broke my heart – he wanted to give me something special and his devastation at its destruction almost brought me to tears.

I feel like that with God sometimes. I know what I want to present to God. As a believer I want to be a constant “living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1), a beautiful example of Christ lived out in a real way, but so often my efforts amount to little more than a smeary mess, marred and often ruined by my failures. I can be selfish in my marriage, thoughtless in my friendships, inconsistent in my faith, and impatient with that precious little boy who wanted nothing more than to give me a beautiful card with the special-est blue glitter-glue he’d ever seen.

We’re in trouble when our faith – or our salvation – becomes more focused on our efforts than God’s grace.

Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. 2 Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. Romans 5:1-2

Jesus has already done all of the work on the cross and nothing I do adds or subtracts from that.Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege” (v. 2, emphasis added). Nothing we do makes us “worthy” of what Christ did for us, we are worthy because of HIS righteousness given to us by grace. God does not love me more or less because I was “good” or “bad” – I have “peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done.” God does not shake his head in disappointment and say “Failure! Try again!” to those of us who call Jesus Lord and Savior any more than I would have said those words to my sweet little boy that day.

Our efforts at godliness should be motivated not by a desire to gain God’s love and approval but rather by a heart of gratitude that, by His grace and Christ’s death, we already have it.

Catharine Phillips

Friday, August 22, 2014

Wanted! Dead or Alive

Textbooks often describe the Wild West towns of the early 1800’s as charismatic time periods of our American history. As I prayed and continued to wonder why it was God spoke this ever so distant era upon my heart to rely His message, it was revealed to me almost as if I had traveled back in time. I closed my eyes and pictured myself walking down one of the dusty, dirty, searing hot town streets. I couldn’t help but to notice the numerous Wanted signs displayed on post office windows, saloon entrances and most vibrantly exposed within the town jails. You would’ve been able to stare straight into the eyes of those who were pictured here. These were the worst of the worst, the most notorious criminals that posed the greatest threat to society. Their capture was imperative and often times a reward was offered to entice any information that would lead to an arrest......dead or alive.

As Christians, our very belief poses a threat to satan and his legions of demons. However, belief alone is only half of it. We are told that even the demons know the power in which God holds as James 2: 19-20 so accurately describes. “Do you still think it’s enough just to believe that there is one God? Well, even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror! Fool! When will you ever learn that faith that does not result in good deeds is useless?” Do you have a reputation in hell? Is there a Wanted sign circulating with your name on it? Do you pose a threat to the forces of darkness so great that a bounty has been issued for you? In Ephesians 6:12 Paul writes to the church in Ephesus “For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.”

Often times, it’s easy to become stagnant in our faith, not making any real impact on the kingdom because we allow ourselves to observe from the sidelines without ever making an effort to get in the game. I truly believe that it’s not for a lack of desiring to, but more about how we perceive what it should look like. Each one of us has already been equipped with the spiritual gifts we need to get the job done. Did you get that? God has ALREADY given YOU the tools to succeed. There isn’t a course exam to pass or training seminar to attend. 1 Corinthians 12 describes what spiritual gifts are about, and focuses on the importance of being a unified body of Christ. We all have a purpose and a place. Together, we are able to maximize the effect of our combined gifts for kingdom power. I encourage you to meditate on the words Paul writes throughout this chapter and truly listen to what it is God is trying to speak to you.

Is there a co-worker in the office who is at risk of salvation because you dare to speak truth and life into them? What about that mom at the PTA meeting who just moved here and is looking for fellowship? And you know that neighbor who keeps asking you over for coffee but you just don’t have “the time”, what you don’t know is that she really just needs an ear to listen, as she feels trapped in a loveless marriage and doesn’t know where to turn. Until you realize that you don’t need a biblical degree or an auditorium full of listening ears to make an impact for God’s kingdom, you will miss the everyday opportunities to touch humanity, and that my friends is what the enemy desires most.

My prayer for all of you today is that you will STOP listening to the lies the enemy offers you and START believing in what it is God has in store for you. It’s one thing to hear His word; I pray that each of you continues to find ways to use His word. Wake up each day with the honor of knowing that there is a picture of your face in hell with a Wanted sign on it.

Are you ready to become a force to be reckoned with? If so, make sure you smile for the camera!

Stefanie Calens

Friday, August 8, 2014

What Hope

A few years ago I had a chance to take a vacation to South Africa. While I enjoyed the excitement of Cape Town, the beautiful scenery of the mountains and the ocean and the countryside, and seeing the wild animals on the safaris, I couldn't help but feel a sadness when I saw the people. Our guide told us the country is filled with poverty, crime, disease--particularly AIDS—and despair. We were especially warned when in Cape Town to be careful about pickpockets, and not to go into certain areas of the city. "How awful. What hope do these people have?" I wondered.

And then two things happened. While our bus was traveling through a marketplace, I saw a sign hanging at the back of one of the stalls that proclaimed, "Jesus is my Savior!" And in the shop at one of the lodges where we stayed, a man behind the counter was wearing an interesting looking pendant on a chain. Upon looking more closely, I saw that it was a cutout figure of a man's face. "Is that supposed to be Jesus?" I asked boldly. "Yes," he replied proudly. "I came to know Him 10 years ago." I was at peace. What hope do those people have? The same hope we all have—Jesus Christ. He reaches out to us wherever we are, whether we're rich or poor, or whether we're in the United States or South Africa.

"Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance."- Psalm 42:5

Lois Thomson

Friday, July 25, 2014


Just the other day, I was sitting on my patio enjoying some desperately needed me time, while sipping on freshly made coffee just relishing in the silence. I had not a single thought stirring of today’s to-do-list as the wind gently glided against my face, and I could hear the sweet sounds of birds chirping among the trees that surrounded me. Almost out of nowhere, one of the most beautiful butterflies I had ever seen decided to land just feet from where I was sitting. It had the most amazing vibrant colors; woven into the most intricate patterns, and fluttered its wings back and forth as if it didn’t have a single care in the world. I found myself mesmerized by the outward beauty of this creation, and couldn’t help but to reflect on what it once must have been. The journey of its metamorphosis was the key to the beauty it now portrays as a witness to the outside world.

In 2 Corinthians 5:17, the apostle Paul writes “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” When we give up our life to walk with Christ, we ultimately become brand new beings from the inside out. Through the power of The Holy Spirit, we no longer cling to what we once were, but in turn, are given a new life in Him. We are not just simply reformed, rehabilitated or even re-dedicated, we truly become re-created. Just like the butterfly emerging from its cocoon, when we emerge as followers of Christ, we not only turn a new leaf, we begin a new life under a brand new Master.

Stefanie Calens

Friday, July 11, 2014


It was early morning the day after the fourth of July and we were headed to the hospital. The babies were impatient. The doctors had hoped they would stay put until that day.

When we arrived we went right to the room where our daughter-in-law was uncomfortably waiting. Our son was in a calm but anxious mood. We gave words of encouragement then went to our place in the waiting room. And we waited. First there was the news that she would be going soon. But, we still waited. As the morning progressed (and she did not) we learned that there was a delivery that had difficulty, which was causing her delivery to wait. After days in the hospital, with doctors trying their best to postpone a too early delivery, everyone was more than ready to greet the new arrivals.

Then, it was time. We moved to the hallway to pace and stand and pray. Right now I cannot tell you how long that wait actually was but it seemed like 40 days! We were in a place we had visited often and felt comfortable, but we didn’t like the wait of this day. Everything was familiar but the wait was excruciating.

There are times when we are so used to being on the fast track that waiting is a foreign feeling to us. In fact, we refuse to wait and plow on to get what we want when we want it. We are in a place that feels familiar so we think we know the best decision. Why wait? We can move forward now, right? But, what if we ask God for direction? Waiting for His instruction makes us stronger and more prepared. Wait, pray, listen, and wait some more until you get the answer from the One who created you.

When our son walked down the hallway to give us the news, my husband and I had a feeling that we can never explain. Our grandsons had arrived and they both were healthy.

The waiting was difficult but the result was love.

Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord. ~ Psalm 27:14

Sherree Fischer
loveSTRONG ministries
Speaker/Facilitator Team Leader

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Seek His Face, Not His Hand

All too often, we can allow our lives to become consumed with society’s views, and rely too heavily upon the “quick fix” options to alleviate the pain today’s world has to offer. We can find ourselves constantly seeking out just one little push of the easy button. Maybe you desperately try to avoid the much needed conversation because we can’t bear the confrontation, or at times, we can even tend to look the other way, because coming face to face with reality means we may need to change who we see in the mirror. What happens when your road takes an unexpected turn, or when you continue to find yourself knee deep in the muck? As Christians, our response to every situation greatly depends on from which perspective we chose to look. The foundation of our very faith relies on where we place the focus of our eyes and of our hearts. God does not promise us a life free from trials, but He does promise all of His love, grace, and mercy as you embark on the unfamiliar journey ahead. (Matthew 11 : 28-30)

In John 16:33, Jesus says to the disciples prior to His arrest, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on this earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” As believers, we should expect nothing less than the continuing tensions placed upon us from a world so out of touch with Christ. However, we can also expect our spiritual relationship with Christ to produce abundant amounts of joy, peace, and comfort because we are able to remain in sync with Him by way of The Holy Spirit.

The Gospels record the constant failings, struggles, and doubts the disciples encountered as they grew alongside Christ. A life lived out in faith often involves hard work, persecution, deprivation and deep suffering, yet remain focused on the Resurrection that follows the Crucifixion. As we decide to walk in faith with our Lord, He will time and time again allow us to be tempted, tried, and challenged far beyond what our own abilities are capable of handling. Do not become discouraged my friends, each trial is designed to be evidence of His work in your life for others to see. Moses encountered God through a burning bush in Exodus 3:4, Peter, in the midst of a raging storm walked on water with Christ in Matthew 14: 28-29, and Joshua parted the Jordan River out of trust and obedience to Him as described in Joshua 3. Each one of these experiences built the faith of these men, and the same holds true for what you and I experience through this life.

Author and speaker Os Hillman writes, “God often times allows pain to ignite destiny in our lives. Without motivation, many of us would never fulfill the purposes for which God created us."

The Holy Spirit transformed the disciples into powerful men of God who turned the world upside down. Just like each and every one of us today, they were ordinary people whom God chose to use in extraordinary ways. The key point here my fellow sisters, is not to focus your eyes on His hand of deliverance, because let’s face it; your circumstances may never change. However, keep in mind there is great victory through the pain. Just like the Apostle Paul, we may have been allowed a thorn in our flesh for reasons we may never understand, but rest upon the words God spoke to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness.” The sole fact that God’s power is displayed in our weaknesses should give us the hope and courage to proceed. It is truly one of the many signs of spiritual maturity when we can rejoice in the hardships and use them as a means of glorifying God. My prayer for all of you today is that you are able to look past the temporary pain of this world, seek God in all of your circumstances and boldly ask Him to help you adjust your lens if needed. Don’t allow yourself to miss an opportunity to see never know who may be watching.

1 Chronicles 16:11 “Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always”

Stefanie Calens

Monday, June 9, 2014

Ugly Duck Swan Song

Katy Perry has a song called “Roar” which is somewhat reminiscent of an old Helen Reddy song from the mid-70s called, “I am Woman Hear me Roar.” To which I say – what’s with all this lady roaring stuff?

Me, I’m not much of a roar-er; barely even qualifying for a modest meow. The very suggestion of roaring implies that one must be willing to be confrontational – which I am not.

My pussycat personality is such a huge part of who I am, I was caught completely off guard recently when I responded to an offensive Facebook post with an uncharacteristic roar. A friend of mine had posted a link to a video lambasting the media for objectifying women in magazine ads and commercials. The video highlighted the practice of airbrushing models and celebrities to make them appear thinner, more smooth-skinned and much more cleavage-endowed than they truly are. The common practice of photo-shopping and air-brushing has caused an alarming increase in bulimia and anorexia in young girls and women of all ages who are desperately trying to measure up to these “perfect” images.

The video pointed out that women feel inferior because they can’t compete with these flawless looking women. It also suggested that men are part of the problem oftentimes struggling with commitment issues because their girlfriends and wives don’t measure up to the women in these ads.

My fury was ignited when a man posted a comment on my friend’s Facebook page after watching the video stating: “Not all women are born to be beautiful. That’s obvious.”

I rarely comment on Facebook posts but this man’s statement stirred a pot of emotions bubbling over with righteous indignation on this very sensitive subject. This is a topic that’s close to my heart. As a young girl being made fun of because of my weight or my looks, I carried around that ugly duckling image of myself for many years. Sadly, I’m not alone in this ugly-duckling-syndrome, as many women have been made to feel less-than-beautiful at one time or another.

It wasn’t until I really let myself fall in love with Jesus and allowed myself to accept His love and healing that I was able to see myself as He has always seen me. My Lord sees my heart and my beauty is reflected through His eyes. The more I love Jesus and the more I grasp how wide and deep His love is for me, the more beautiful I become. Jesus thinks I’m beautiful – and what’s more: He thinks YOU are beautiful as well.

For any woman who wrestles with a poor self-image and finds herself constantly struggling with her looks – STOP IT! God doesn’t want us to compare ourselves with anyone else; in fact, He likely is very saddened by our negative self-talk.

We can be transformed from ugly ducklings into beautiful swans if we will stop comparing ourselves to the images we see on television and in magazines. We must start believing God’s Word that says, “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!   Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.” (Psalm 139:14 NLT)

If anyone should ever dare to say to any of us that “Not all women are born to be beautiful,” we should point out that we are made in the Heavenly Father’s image and we were all born to be beautiful!

I am beautiful and you’re gonna hear me roarrrrrrrr!

Blessings in Christ,
Kathy Kurlin

Monday, May 26, 2014


The outside packaging touted the quality of the product within. No preservatives. No trans fatty acids. Only three ingredients. Vegan.

All true statements, yet deceptive in nature. The snack within the bag was far from the healthy portrait the marketers were trying to paint. The corn chips actually had a whopping 160 calories for a mere ½ cup serving and were more than 50% fat. Not exactly a masterpiece of health.

Now, I’m not trying to pick on corn chips. They can fit into a healthy diet in moderation. But, I’m trying to make this point. Often times, we are busy trying to perfect our outside packaging. We want to project an image that is worthy of others’ approval. We want others to see only our good qualities, not our struggles and imperfections. We even try to hide our flaws from God, who sees all.

People appreciate the genuine and will eventually detect the deceptive. Yet, I struggle to be authentic and transparent at times. I fear that people won’t like me if share my issues and quirks with them. I fear that I disappoint God with my attitudes and raw emotions.

And so, my thoughts run laps in my head, and I lack clarity on a resolution. What am I to do? Do I risk everything and strip away every inkling to protect myself and stand confidently in God’s grace? Or do I lay another brick in the wall around my heart in hopes of shielding myself from the pain of rejection? I really just wish I could just be free from flaws. Yet, I can’t. So I have a choice to make. We each have a choice to make.

Today, as I fight the reality of my emotions, I’m choosing to lay them before God. No more bricks. Instead, I’m inviting His grace to wrap me like a swaddled baby. All of my internal conflict, I’m giving to Him. I’m giving up trying to get it right. I’m giving up the self-induced beating for the emotions I think I shouldn’t feel. I’m trading my exhaustion for His promise of rest. It’s been far too long, but this weary soul is running home, into the arms of Jesus.

I hope you choose to do the same.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Cindy Schufflebarger
Author and Speaker

Sunday, May 11, 2014

There's an App for That

I love this time of year. The sun is warm without incinerating and the air is cool enough to still be pleasant without scalding us like we’re Thanksgiving turkeys roasting in an oven. I take advantage of the cooler temperatures by getting outside and riding my bike. I have a Schwinn beach cruiser which I ride for a few hours every weekend.

On a recent ride, I couldn’t help but notice a startling amount of hummingbird activity along the desert trail I frequent. Hummingbirds are not unusual in this area; but what was surprising were the many hummingbirds that were perched on tree branches – just sitting and resting and soaking up the sun.

For those of you not familiar with hummingbird activity, these tiny winged powerhouses flap their wings about 80 times per second. These little birds are able to fly up and down, right and left; forwards, backwards and even upside down – which is why I was so astonished to see so many (around 20) hummingbirds just sitting quietly on tree branches along the bike trail.

Seeing busy birds idling and inactive is a great reminder to those of us with hectic schedules. Our lives are so jam-packed with activities: jobs, carpools, soccer, football and dance practices; parent-teacher conferences, church, grocery shopping, exercising, commuting to jobs, HGTV, etc., that it’s easy to lose sight of what’s truly important in life. We’re tethered to our smart phones and iPad’s and constantly searching for an App that will make all of these activities easier in order to simplify our lives. Through it all we’re lucky if we can squeeze in quality time with God.

If God created even the fastest flying fowl cognizant of the fact that periodic rest is necessary – how much more do we as the apple of God’s eye need to heed that advice?

Here is an App to simplify your life and the download is free: Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God!” Slow down and sit a spell and listen to the whispers of God. That still small voice of the Savior is asking, “What’s your hurry?”

Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Matthew 6:26 (NLT)

Blessings in Christ,
Kathy Kurlin

Sunday, April 27, 2014


"May the Lord your God multiply the troops a hundred times over; and may the eyes of my lord the king see it. But why does my lord the king want to do such a thing?" -- 2 Samuel 24:3

The story of David is extraordinary. At one point, God said to David, "Now I will make your name great, like the names of the greatest men of the earth." (2 Sam 7:9) And on this day, in 2014, on the other side of the world, we all know his name. Even people with no knowledge of the Bible know the "David and Goliath" story. God did indeed make David's name great, like the names of the greatest men on the earth.

All through David's life, God flourished him and gave him success wherever he went. At one point, God is recounting all the good things He's done for David and He says this: "I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. I gave your master's house to you, and your master's wives into your arms. I gave you the house of Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more." (2 Samuel 12:7-8) David's successes didn't come from himself, they happened because God was making them happen.

But at the end of the book of 2 Samuel, David wants to count his fighting men. Joab, the commander of David's army, rebukes him like this: "May the Lord your God multiply the troops a hundred times over; and may the eyes of my lord the king see it. But why does my lord the king want to do such a thing?"

Joab saw that David's desire to count his fighting men came from wanting to rely on the resources he could see, instead of God who he couldn't see.

What a temptation that is! I badly want to rely on my own resources, things I can count and see, rather than on God who I can't see or hope to control. Do you relate to this?

But Joab's rebuke calls to me. I think about what he knew: that God can "multiply the troops a hundred times over," to deliver victories and untold treasures into our lives. And I want that. I want that kind of magic and supernatural multiplication of my resources from God. It's not like God could help just a little—He could multiply my resources a HUNDRED times over. What would it look like if God multiplied your resources by one hundred?

And I love that Joab said, "and may the eyes of my lord the king see it." This is not just a pie-in-the-sky hope. This multiplication is something we'll see, physically, in the here and now where we live today.

Here's a painting I made to capture this concept: "Multiply." I didn't mean for it to turn out quite this way, but I like it. Notice that there's a lot of motion and movement in the dark, stormy skies and seas. Notice the leaves kind of blowing around the edges of the tree, hovering there, suspended in the wind. Notice how small the tree is in a big stormy world. Multiplication from God is something we can't control, we have to just go with it, wherever the winds of His Spirit blow us. But that's where we'll encounter magic and a supernatural multiplication of our resources from God.

Jill Addison
Online Video Producer

Thursday, April 10, 2014

He’s Closer than You Think

This week, our family made a quick trip to the mountains of Virginia. As the land began to rise around us, I was smitten with its beauty. I always am. The Blue Ridge Mountains intrigue me with the beautiful blue haze that covers them. The lighting casts shadows. The trees add texture and dimension.

I sit in awe as I stare out the window – probably because I see God when I look at the landscape around me. I see His creativity. I see His whimsy. I see His majesty and might. After all, He spoke it all into being and set in motion the seasons and cycles that we see each day.

And so, when I feel distant or question God’s presence, I simply go outside. I watch the sunset or look at a delicate flower. I look at rugged rocks and hilly terrain. I see Him right before my eyes. And, if I’m very still, I can almost hear the trees singing His praises.

I pray that we take time to see His beauty each day, find renewal as we sit in His presence, and sing praises to Him who loves us.

Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy; let them sing before the Lord. Psalm 98:7-9

Cindy Schufflebarger
Author and Speaker

Friday, March 21, 2014


I’ve seen it on t-shirts and hats. You’ve probably read it on a tweet or from a teenager or in the lyrics of a song. YOLO. “You Only Live Once.” Is it a justification, or, is it a proclamation?

As a justification, you use the phrase to say that it was ok to do that thing you did no matter how questionable it may have been. If it is a proclamation you may be saying you intend to get the most of everyday because it could be your last.

Jesus lived once. Then He died. Then He conquered death and lives forever. That’s what He has promised us. While we will not come back to this earth after death, as a Jesus-follower we will live forever in a place indescribable and undiscoverable by any human.

Adopting a YOLO attitude may give you the false sense of rationalizing choices that will negatively affect your life and the lives of others. In that respect, living by the YOLO rule and living like there’s no tomorrow, gives no hope of what God can do in your life each day. But, by realizing we have no guarantee of tomorrow and we are on a road of life not death, we can make each day count.

Read James 4:7-10 in The Message version and ask yourself which YOLO attitude you have. We do only get one chance at life on this earth so wasting it on insufficient thrills, risky behavior, or embarrassing actions seems like a drive down the wrong street in the wrong direction. At the beginning of the day (and all day long) ask God to open your eyes to see how life should be lived. The equation will be YOLO + Love = Life Well Lived.

YOLO only works when it is accompanied with You Only Live Once So Make It Count With God’s Love. YOLOSMICWGL. Not exactly a catchy phrase for a song or a tweet or a hat, but you get the idea, right?

Sherree Fischer
loveSTRONG ministries
Speaker/Facilitator Team Leader

Monday, March 10, 2014

Beautiful Weeds

There’s a house that I drive past on my way to church every week that has a yard filled with weeds. I’m sure at one time the yard boasted a lovely desert landscape motif, but over the years the weeds have grown up and choked out the succulent plants and overpowered the desert gravel and sandstone.

The weeds have upset the symmetry of the yard, stealing what was once sleek and orderly and turned it into something you’d never see on the cover of House and Garden magazine. Weeds are like that; they flower and sprout spreading their seed wherever the wind carries them with little regard to order.

The interesting thing about this yard full of weeds is that for two weeks each year during the early warmth of spring, these weeds become something altogether different. These weeds bloom and blossom into the most glorious expanse of wildflowers in colors so vibrant and spectacular that my eyes devour them like they’ve been starved of beauty my entire life. These weeds are so breathtaking that I find myself watching and waiting with expectancy for the rebirth of these beautiful flowers each spring.

Those weeds and their transformation remind me of what God has done for me (for us) through salvation. When we come to Jesus we bring the ugliness of our sinful past to Him. God, in His mercy is able to see beyond the shame, pain and disorder of a life lived without Him. Once we say “yes” to Jesus and repent of our sinful ways, He takes our brokenness and reinvents us into these beautiful new creations. (Old things are passed away; all things have become brand new. 2 Corinthians 5:17)

Witnessing the beauty of weeds blossoming into flowers reminds us that God will love and care for us every bit as much and more than He cares for weeds and flowers. If we continue to hold onto our past hurts, sins, pain or excuses for being less than what God wants for us – we’re missing the beauty of what salvation offers us.

If we’ve not fully let God have all of our ugly past lives, it’s time to let God in and allow Him to turn our weeds into beautiful flowers!

And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? Matthew 6:30 (NLT)

Blessings in Christ,
Kathy Kurlin

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Driver’s Ed

In the area where I live, there is a road improvement plan that has been in place for a couple of years now. It’s the kind of plan that has a projected finish date of ten years in the future. As part of this major overhaul of our area, they are expanding a two-lane road to multiple lanes, and adding complex exits/entrances/intersections at the major crossroads.

One of these intersections happens to be on a regular route I take to get my child to preschool twice a week. I like to think of myself as a patient, forgiving, full-of-grace driver. I like to think that other people think that way of me, too. I like to live in a delusional world. As I was en route to preschool one morning, my attitude was less than patient and forgiving as I approached this section of the road. A car pulled up to the left of me and I was convinced that this car (driver), like many others that I have seen, was going to realize that the lane it was currently in morphed into a turn lane and he actually wanted to go straight. When that happened, inexorably said driver would cut in front of me at the last possible moment, and make me *gasp* brake! In all my wisdom and grace, I sped up to be neck and neck with the other car, and waited for the inevitable to happen.

Can you guess what happened? The driver signaled left, continued in the current lane (following the rules of the road) and onto the newly opened exit to the freeway. The driver of my car was left with a gaping mouth. At that moment, I realized that in my own mind I was thinking, “I’m going to teach this driver HOW TO DRIVE!” I’m pretty sure that God was thinking, “I’m going to let you know when it’s time for you to be the teacher, and when it’s time for you to be the student.” I couldn’t help but laugh at myself!

This just brought to mind all the verses about God being our teacher. Some of us are called to be teachers, but not all, and definitely in His timing and not ours. Psalm 28:9-10 (NASB) says, “Good and upright is the Lord; Therefore He instructs sinners in the way. He leads the humble in justice, And He teaches the humble His way.” I don’t know about being humble, but He definitely humbled me in that moment. The driver who got the education that day was me.

Jen Chang
loveSTRONG ministries
CCommunications/Technology Leader

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Don’t Toss That Highlighter Away Quite Yet.

I love everything about the word SCHEDULE! It’s a beautiful thing, from pulling out my assortment of brightly colored highlighters down to hole punching tabs and papers neatly bound in my three ring binder. I secretly (well, it’s not so much of a secret, anymore) will pull out all my binders and relish in the wonderment of my personal organization. (Then, I quickly put them away before anyone sees me...hee hee.)

But in my life right now, I am in a season of “Wait.” Have you ever been there? Or are you there now? No fun. And certainly goes against everything a SCHEDULE oriented person would prefer. My heart knows that God is with me. I feel Him. I have prayed and taken my personal challenges to Him. Yet, I still wait. Then, I begin to doubt. Not in Him, in me. What am I missing that He is trying to show me? Since I am still waiting, He must be still trying to show me something. What is it? Then, back to prayer I go. It’s this back and forth thing. And while I feel my faith has not waivered and I fully trust His timing is perfect, I still find myself wanting the “How” and “When.” As this wait continued to prolong itself, I began to realize that although my back has never turned on Him, my thoughts still have been focused on what this “Wait” looks like for ME. And here are (at least) 2 things that I am missing…

One: the everyday blessings that He provides us - the smile from a stranger, the moments nature scream His name, the verse that sticks with me as I notice it scroll across my Facebook feed and the timing of a hug from my child. And two: the opportunities He is showing me to be used for others. How am I supposed to hear Him if all I am doing is focusing on what I want from my prayers and when it’s going to happen?

In my season of “Wait,” He is showing me to STOP praying for the “WHEN” and the “HOW” and START praying that He WILL! I am learning to have an expectancy that He is working on my behalf. Period.

A variety of highlighters still rest on my desk. I love them. But now I look at them as little blessings that God knows brings me joy and not look at them as what controls my world. I will WAIT on the Lord and know that His “WHEN” and “HOW” are NOT going to look the way I might expect them to, but will look the way that will bring Him the most glory. Now that was worthy of highlighting.

Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeni Barbush
loveSTRONG ministries
Executive Director

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Father Knows Best

My phone hasn’t stopped ringing this week with calls and texts from my each of my three children. They’re all adults now, in their 20s and 30s. Most of the time they just want to vent, so I try to listen – not lecture. But many of the calls have been from two of my children tattling on their other sibling with opinions about poor decisions this sibling is making. Those calls aren’t as easy to listen to.

As a parent I want to be supportive and compassionate, but sometimes I’d like to turn my phone off and ignore them. Some days I just want them to grow up and solve their own problems.

For the most part they’re fully functioning, morally upright human beings with a good grasp of right and wrong. Sometimes though, they still act and behave like toddlers.

God, in His infinite wisdom, always manages to compare my parenting skills with my personal relationship with Him, the Lord of the Universe.

Whenever I’m fed up with my kids and ready to sever my responsibilities as a parent…God gives me a gentle nudge. He lovingly reminds me that in my many years of walking with Him, He has never disowned me; even though I’ve given Him ample reason to.

God reminds me that whenever I come to Him on bended knee with an insignificant worry or problem, He never sends me away and tells me my problems are so little they don’t qualify as real problems. My worries matter to God, because I matter to God.

He always answers when I call; He is never tempted to sever His responsibilities towards me. He won’t give up on me because I’m being difficult or opinionated. God loves me unconditionally. He won’t quit on me.

God reminds me that my kids deserve as much from me – unconditional love, support and a promise to always answer the phone because God hand-picked these children for me. He knew these three strong-willed, opinionated, amazing people needed me as their mother – and He knew I needed them.

Parenting is a tough job, but my kids matter to God and I matter to God and in the end…our Father Knows Best!

Blessings in Christ,
Kathy Kurlin

Friday, January 10, 2014

Does God Want Us To Be Happy?

You’ve got a crazy schedule, your job is demanding and you haven’t gotten a raise in a long time, or, you lost your job unexpectedly, your parents are driving you up a wall, your husband can’t seem to help around the house, your kids are wearing you out…and you’re supposed to be happy?

God has given us an example and words to live by. “Study the Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. This is my command-be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”Joshua 1:8-9

Joshua lived through slavery, supernatural plagues, he saw the Red Sea open miraculously for the people of Israel, was a war hero, and went to the top of the mountain with Moses where the law was revealed. In comparison to your life, you aren’t a slave but your job and family may be demanding. Supernatural plagues don’t happen but your children test the boundaries with you. You may not be a war hero but you do help others when you can. Joshua trusted God all through his life and he was prosperous. Not wealthy but prosperous. His life honored God.

God does not want us to be depressed. He wants us to be happy so we have the energy to be strong loving women of God. When we prosper we are successful and happy. You can be a faithful woman of God by putting Him at the top of the list of each day. Each day may bring its special challenges but knowing God’s Word in your heart will ease the stress. Don’t worry. Be prosperous.

Sherree Fischer
loveSTRONG ministries
Speaker/Facilitator Team Leader