Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sweet Rubber Bands

no, i'm not talking about yummy smelling or edible silly bandz (but wouldn't that be cool?!). i'm actually talking about faith and trust.

the past couple of weeks have been especially challenging for me in those two areas. in starting a ministry like loveSTRONG where God is obviously working in women's lives, it is as if i have a bullseye on my back for trouble. yep, even more trouble than usual. the bible says to not let the devil get a foothold. that verse in ephesians 4 is actually talking about anger, but i think that the devil will get a foothold in your life in any area and then capitalize on it. he certainly has tried in my life! the more i focus on the negative, the less i'm focusing on Jesus, and that is a small victory for the devil.

all that to say, i feel like i allowed the devil that foothold, and then he took it and ran with it! thankfully, God brought me up out of the proverbial pit and made me realize what was happening and that i let my attitude be changed, which in turn changed my perspective about everything around me. as i was thanking Him for what He'd done and re-focusing my life, i felt like it was one more case of my faith being stretched. i have told a couple of people that i feel like God is stretching my faith like a rubber band...and it's almost to its breaking point.

loveSTRONG has definitely been a huge faith-stretcher. at the same time as starting this ministry, my family and i are searching for a new church home. talk about another faith stretcher! that rubber band that i didn't think could stretch any more was only half-stretched. then, to top it off, we're looking at a church where we'd be part of a church plant. my response: "seriously, God?! you want that bullseye on my back to be even bigger and my faith to stretch even farther?! i don't know if that's even possible!!!"

well, that's where the sweet part comes in. a couple of old hymns have been running through my head recently. the first one that wouldn't leave my head is be thou my vision. i need to be reminded daily (or more) that my focus and vision is not wrapped up in loveSTRONG, my kids, my husband, or just getting by. my focus is God. He is the filter through which i need to see everything. if that is true, then the other things will fall into place.

the second song is tis so sweet to trust in Jesus. the last line of the chorus is 'o for grace to trust Him more!' it hit me this morning - His grace is sufficient. that is where i will get the strength when my faith is stretched even farther than what it already is. it was a simple song, single line, and even simpler truth. God has enough grace for me, and has given me every reason to trust Him. i may not feel like my faith can take a millimeter more of stretching, but with His grace I will survive, and maybe even thrive!

from now on, when i feel like God is asking me to trust Him and trying to grow my faith, i will think of that sweet rubber band that may feel stretched, but is actually being strengthened by Him. the incredible thing is that the rubber band of my faith doesn't snap or even bounce back to what it was. it's more like a faith 'muscle' that grows stronger with pressure and exercise, and my character will grow as a result.

Jen Chang
loveSTRONG ministries
Communications Director

Friday, September 23, 2011

take that you little red-horned guy

i am sitting here watching my son relish in the fact that he finally figured out how to really play his leapster....not just turn it on and off and think he was playing, but actually comprehend the idea that the leapster does far more than just light up and go off. he's growing up. and my daughter, well, she started kindergarten this year and came home to tell me “sally said she is not my bff today, so I told her that susie was going to be my bff, but then sara needed a bff and so we said she could be our bff, but then sally got mad because she thought sara was her bff, so now we are all bffs” really!? bottom line...she's growing up.

then i look at my husband and myself and decide it's okay to be in denial that we are growing up... hee hee! :)

life changes so fast that often i find myself saying, "what the heck has happened?" and when it's not just one thing that has changed, but many things that change, i find myself saying, "what do i do now?" my mind does tell me, "god knows what he is doing...he has a plan that is far greater than what i could imagine." and it's true, i know it, i have experienced it and i should never doubt it. so why do i? i almost laugh inside my head because i hear that token angel/devil on each side of my brain. that darn little red-horned guy. but he only gets in the way because i let him. and the more i listen to what he says, the more doubt begins to take over. so i have to make a conscious effort to shift my eyes back to that angel....duh!  and wo...that angel had a lot to show me! (I even made a list...and the angel’s side won!) bottom line...rather than focus on the POTENTIAL negatives, focus on the REAL positives.

so here’s to playing leapsters, girl drama, gray hair, flabby skin and whatever comes next...take that you little red-horned guy!

Jeni Barbush
loveSTRONG ministries
Executive Director