Tuesday, August 2, 2011

be love...it's truly a gift.

i just wanted to sit and down share with those of you who have followed our journey the gift you have each given me. i have known many of you for quite some time and there are others who i have not met face to face. but however i know you is not so much what i want to focus on....it's the love i have for each of you as we all explore god together. god is love...that's what the entire bible is about. everything in it points right back to that simple statement. and if god is love, and we are made in his image, then we are to "be love"....right? it sounds so simple, but why is it we all struggle? it is because the opposite of love is SELF? and when we are focused on self, we are not focused on "being love". next time you have a negative thought towards something or someone, ask yourself, "am i being selfish in any way?" and be honest with yourself because i would bet that somewhere in between your "justified feelings" there is a tinge of selfishness looming. and the key to "loving" is first acknowledging where you can "be love" better. it's a journey to get there, and by no means am i stating that i am THERE, but i do know that as i draw closer to god and really get to know him, he fills me with love. the more i go to him, the more love he fills me with it. the more he fills me with, the easier is flows. and in this journey, i have gone to him more than ever. and therefore, he has filled me with a tremendous love for each of you. i want the best for each of you. i want you to have a relationship that fills you with love.....and from what i know, many of you do. it's that love that we all share with everyone in which others will see god IN you. you don't have to say a word about god to anyone, because others will SEE him in you if you "be love". it's hard, it's not what may come natural, but it works....it really works. the only reason i know is because of that gift i mentioned earlier that you all have given me...the power to love. i dare you to try it out as much as possible~ :)

Jeni Barbush
loveSTRONG ministries
Executive Director

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