Sunday, March 24, 2013

Google This...

We live in an age of information overload. We’re inundated with internet news stories, Facebook articles and You Tube videos. We can Google and fact-check on Wikipedia and Snopes. It surprises few of us when we learn that so many of the stories are fake or the pictures we see are the result of photo-shop or computer generated images.

In this techo-age we’re learning not to trust anything that we see or read. How then can we believe what we read in the Bible? How do we believe in an unseen God?

Rather than debate theology, I’d rather share a story about a woman who has spent her entire life following Jesus. Carmen is an 87-year-old woman living the last days of her life. Carmen has end-stage dementia and the simple things of life that most of us take for granted are now totally foreign to her.

Carmen can no longer remember how to dress herself, speak coherently, go to the bathroom or swallow her daily food. Carmen needs help with the simplest of things. She can barely string together complete sentences or thoughts and is reduced to random noises and grunts punctuated with irregular exclamations. Even as the dementia slowly pecks away at her memories and normal body functions are shutting down, Carmen’s love and commitment to Christ is buried so deeply within her soul, she instinctually calls on the one name that will bring her peace. Disease has robbed her very essence from her, yet her love for Christ cannot be stolen from her. Carmen’s grunts and babble are interspersed with words of love for Christ and pleas for His peace.

We may not be able to Google “factual evidence that Christ is real” but we can look to those that have spent a lifetime following the Savior.

None of us ever know what the future may hold for us, but we can rest in the knowledge that if we’ve spent our life pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ – as Carmen has – Jesus will not leave us or forsake us in our final days. Even if we forget our own name – His name will forever be on our lips and in our hearts.

My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. Psalm 73:26 (NLT)

Blessings in Christ,
Kathy Kurlin