Monday, May 26, 2014


The outside packaging touted the quality of the product within. No preservatives. No trans fatty acids. Only three ingredients. Vegan.

All true statements, yet deceptive in nature. The snack within the bag was far from the healthy portrait the marketers were trying to paint. The corn chips actually had a whopping 160 calories for a mere ½ cup serving and were more than 50% fat. Not exactly a masterpiece of health.

Now, I’m not trying to pick on corn chips. They can fit into a healthy diet in moderation. But, I’m trying to make this point. Often times, we are busy trying to perfect our outside packaging. We want to project an image that is worthy of others’ approval. We want others to see only our good qualities, not our struggles and imperfections. We even try to hide our flaws from God, who sees all.

People appreciate the genuine and will eventually detect the deceptive. Yet, I struggle to be authentic and transparent at times. I fear that people won’t like me if share my issues and quirks with them. I fear that I disappoint God with my attitudes and raw emotions.

And so, my thoughts run laps in my head, and I lack clarity on a resolution. What am I to do? Do I risk everything and strip away every inkling to protect myself and stand confidently in God’s grace? Or do I lay another brick in the wall around my heart in hopes of shielding myself from the pain of rejection? I really just wish I could just be free from flaws. Yet, I can’t. So I have a choice to make. We each have a choice to make.

Today, as I fight the reality of my emotions, I’m choosing to lay them before God. No more bricks. Instead, I’m inviting His grace to wrap me like a swaddled baby. All of my internal conflict, I’m giving to Him. I’m giving up trying to get it right. I’m giving up the self-induced beating for the emotions I think I shouldn’t feel. I’m trading my exhaustion for His promise of rest. It’s been far too long, but this weary soul is running home, into the arms of Jesus.

I hope you choose to do the same.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Cindy Schufflebarger
Author and Speaker

Sunday, May 11, 2014

There's an App for That

I love this time of year. The sun is warm without incinerating and the air is cool enough to still be pleasant without scalding us like we’re Thanksgiving turkeys roasting in an oven. I take advantage of the cooler temperatures by getting outside and riding my bike. I have a Schwinn beach cruiser which I ride for a few hours every weekend.

On a recent ride, I couldn’t help but notice a startling amount of hummingbird activity along the desert trail I frequent. Hummingbirds are not unusual in this area; but what was surprising were the many hummingbirds that were perched on tree branches – just sitting and resting and soaking up the sun.

For those of you not familiar with hummingbird activity, these tiny winged powerhouses flap their wings about 80 times per second. These little birds are able to fly up and down, right and left; forwards, backwards and even upside down – which is why I was so astonished to see so many (around 20) hummingbirds just sitting quietly on tree branches along the bike trail.

Seeing busy birds idling and inactive is a great reminder to those of us with hectic schedules. Our lives are so jam-packed with activities: jobs, carpools, soccer, football and dance practices; parent-teacher conferences, church, grocery shopping, exercising, commuting to jobs, HGTV, etc., that it’s easy to lose sight of what’s truly important in life. We’re tethered to our smart phones and iPad’s and constantly searching for an App that will make all of these activities easier in order to simplify our lives. Through it all we’re lucky if we can squeeze in quality time with God.

If God created even the fastest flying fowl cognizant of the fact that periodic rest is necessary – how much more do we as the apple of God’s eye need to heed that advice?

Here is an App to simplify your life and the download is free: Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God!” Slow down and sit a spell and listen to the whispers of God. That still small voice of the Savior is asking, “What’s your hurry?”

Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Matthew 6:26 (NLT)

Blessings in Christ,
Kathy Kurlin