Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Process is the Point

i'm not sure if it was mentioned before, but a couple of us are reading "sun stand still" by steven furtick. i'm not even sure of how to summarize the premise of the book, but to say that it's about praying your faith into action. one of the subtitles in chapter 18 is 'the process is the point.' here is the opening paragraph of that:

"Too many people forget the promise and forfeit the payoff because they
faint in the process. It's human nature to want to skip straight from the
promise to the payoff. Who doesn't want to get right to the good
stuff? But the process is invaluable. The process is a time of
strengthening. The process is the place where you lay down your pride and
learn to rely totally on God. Most importantly, the process is the way we
grow to know God. And that's really the whole point."

wow!!! i don't think that i need to write anything more. but i will. i think that lisa, cory, jeni and i can all attest to this as a truth. we have learned so much about God, about our own faith, and about how important the process is. we aren't there yet - by any means! we haven't even made it to retreat, let alone through it and onto the next phase. we don't really even know what that means. we do know that we can't go back. we have been called to something greater than any of us could do on our own.

i'm yet again amazed at what God has taught me through the process. honestly, i haven't even really thought about what's going to happen at retreat on a personal level for myself or those attending. i'm not sure if it makes sense, but it feels like the retreat is just a small byproduct of the process. i have the feeling that it's going to be way more than that, though! thank you, God for your faithfulness to us and for doing more than we can ask or imagine!

Jen Chang
loveSTRONG ministries
Communications Director

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