As we visited she said something about how we always think we need grace for the “big” things but we really need just as much grace to load the dishwasher, again.
“Here, mommy!” begins the unloading the dishwasher chant. Miriam hands me a glass that’s a bit too heavy for her and likely to come smashing down if I don’t take it quickly enough.
“Thank you sweetheart. How about you put the silverware in the drawer?” Two little fistfuls of silverware clunk in the drawer.
Next she goes for a bowl which, from the angle she’s at, definitely won’t come out. “Stuck! Stuck!” She pulls harder. “Oh, if you stand over here it’s easier, see?” I quickly pull it out before another one of the prongs in our dishwasher snaps off.
More glasses. More silverware. More bowls. A sigh of relief.
Miriam stays behind, rolls the empty shelves in, closes the door, and pushes the start button. I cancel the wash. “Remember, we can’t push the button until Mommy puts the soap in.” I scan the counter filled with dirty dishes and swarms of fruit flies.
I need grace to load the dishwasher.
I need grace to not just plop down on the couch. I need grace to be patient. I need grace to be joyful. I need grace to bypass the pity party.
My prayer is simple, “Help me load the dishwasher.” It’s short because that’s all I have time to say. But I really mean that I can’t do it in a way that makes God look beautiful to my children unless He helps me. He wants me to realize I’m dependent like that.
This time all the dirty dishes fit. I fill the little container with soap. Miriam gets to push the button. And in less than 24 hours I will need grace to load the dishwasher. Again.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
Melissa McDonald
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