Online Video Producer
Jill Addison is an Online Video Producer who loves helping small and mid-sized businesses strategically use online video to rank with search engines and make a personal connection with prospective clients.
Christian Author, Speaker, Interpreter for the Deaf and Bible Study Teacher
Shela-Lyn has taught Bible studies to women of all ages and spoken to a wide-variety of audiences on television, retreats, and for non-profit organizations regarding numerous subjects; but closest to her heart are the topics of Christian hope and encouragement. Shela-Lyn holds degrees in interpreting for the deaf and education with a specialization in sign language and is a graduate of Arizona State University (Go Sun Devils!). She authored the book It’s The Thought That Counts – Clever Creations to Bless and Encourage Others and is owner of Clever Creations; a gifts, party-favors, and party-planning company ( She enjoys eating ice-cream, celebrating any occasion, autumn leaves, hydrangeas, international travel, cooking, crafting and reading. Currently she is planning her oldest daughter’s wedding and is excited about welcoming a son into the family. Shela-Lyn resides in Scottsdale, Arizona with her husband, Brad, two daughters, and dogs Jake & Sadie.

Jeni Barbush
loveSTRONG ministries
Executive Director
Jeni is a Business Advisor for The Ripple Effects and Marketing Director for has a BS in Education and taught elementary school for 5 years prior to her marketing experience. She has been involved in various aspects of ministry including women's ministry leadership, neighborhood group leader and children's ministry volunteer for many years. She is originally from Broken Arrow, OK and graduated from the University of Oklahoma. She has been married to her husband, Troy and they have two kids.
I am an Arizona native who has been married to my best friend since 2007. We are raising our two boys together and couldn't imagine doing life without our family. In my previous career, I managed a financial branch for a well known banking institution and transitioned into mortgage lending prior to the birth of our second son. I have been extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to be an at home mom for the past five years. Currently, I am enrolled at Colorado Christian University to obtain a degree in Biblical Studies. The Lord has placed such a passion on my heart for women, and I serve on the Women's Ministry leadership team at my home church in Goodyear, Az. I spend a lot of my time focusing on ways to encourage, strengthen, and inspire women who long for a deeper connection with Christ.
loveSTRONG ministries
Communicator Director
Jen graduated from the University of Iowa with a nursing degree, worked as a nurse, and then went into full time ministry with The JESUS Film Project, a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. During her stint with JFP, she met and married her husband, Mark. They were called out of ministry and God led them to Arizona. She is now a full-time wife and mom to three boys.
Lynette Chang is passionate about gathering women in authentic community and encouraging them in their walk with the Lord. She has been married to her husband, an eHarmony perfect match, for 11 years. Lynette began adulthood as a missionary teacher and then public school educator, but for the last 9 years has focused on her classroom of two, homeschooling her son and daughter. She makes her home in the Pacific Northwest, where she aspires to be an urban homesteader, and also encourages local homeschooling families as a director of a Classical Conversations community.
loveSTRONG ministries
Speaker/Facilitator Team Leader
Being retired from sales/marketing positions, she understands how
powerful words and presentations can be. Volunteering in the community, being active in Women’s Ministry, serving
on her church Worship Team are her ministry loves. She and her high
school sweetheart married and together they
enjoy traveling and their three vibrant grandchildren.
Being an empty nester has given her time to pursue her love of golf and working on her short game. In addition to writing fiction novels, Kathleen hopes to publish her line of children’s picture books and a devotional for women struggling with eating disorders. Kathleen writes a personal blog each month in addition to a monthly blog for her church through their Women’s ministry.
Married to her best friend, Kathleen and her husband make their home in Phoenix and together enjoy their shared passion of golf, travelling, family, friends, one practically-perfect-in-every- way grandchild and one precocious Jack Russell Terrier.
Married to her best friend, Kathleen and her husband make their home in Phoenix and together enjoy their shared passion of golf, travelling, family, friends, one practically-perfect-in-every- way grandchild and one precocious Jack Russell Terrier.
Melissa McDonald and her husband Eric serve and disciple international students at The University of Iowa with their two daughters, Miriam and Annette. Melissa blogs at The Cross and the Kitchen Sink and has written the Bible study guide: To Live Valiantly: A study on the Proverbs 31 Woman.
Jesseca Newton
Jesseca Newton is the busy homeschooling mom of four and wife of one awesome, hard-working fellow. Born and raised in the Midwest, she found her love in California, and learned everything she knows about writing at The JESUS Film Project. Later carrying this knowledge back to Iowa, she freelanced for "the oldest-continuously circulating newspaper west of Des Moines." She and her family are now residents of western Iowa. Hobbies include dreaming about baking homemade bread (but relying on her trusty old bread machine "for now"), frosting (then eating) the perfect cupcake, and winning So You Think You Can Dance – not necessarily in that order (or anywhere in the grand scope of reality).
Catharine Phillips
Catharine has been married to the love of her life for 18 years and has spent the last 6 years as a stay-at-home mom to her precious 6-year-old son. She grew up in the Midwest, but relocated to the Phoenix area in 2006 and has grown to love the desert (though admittedly, not the heat). She is an avid reader and “journal-er” and never ceases to be amazed at how the fingerprints of God’s plan are constantly revealed through even the simplest of life’s experiences.
Cindy Schufflebarger
Author and Speaker
Cindy Shufflebarger is an author and speaker with a passion for helping women enjoy more... not more stuff, or more success, but more life. She points the way to a life of abundance and freedom through a meaningful relationship with God. Having experienced His grace and love, her desire is for others to discover it too.
While Cindy's formal education and training is as a Registered Dietitian, her primary job is currently as a homeschooling mom. She feels blessed to see life through the eyes of a child again as she watches her children discover new things and experience life anew. She lives in the suburbs of Richmond, VA with her husband, Scott, and their three children.
While Cindy's formal education and training is as a Registered Dietitian, her primary job is currently as a homeschooling mom. She feels blessed to see life through the eyes of a child again as she watches her children discover new things and experience life anew. She lives in the suburbs of Richmond, VA with her husband, Scott, and their three children.
Lois has a BA in Journalism & Communications, and for the past 25 years has worked as a proofreader and editor in the marketing department of a large, international law firm, based in the firm's Pittsburgh office. Outside of work, she has traveled extensively and is an avid sports fan (especially of the Pittsburgh Pirates), and is blessed with wonderful family and friends. She also thanks God for the gift of being able to do freelance writing, and is delighted when she can use it in praise to Him.