Monday, July 4, 2011


my first post here....and to be honest, it's mind-boggling that loveSTRONG is at the point to be "blogging" about. what an incredible journey god has brought me through in just a few short months. it's neat to see how difficult times of change can also open new doors (doors i never dreamed that would even be there TO open), but only from a result of complete focus and faith on god and his perfect plan. i am grateful for ALWAYS brings about new momentum and it's how we choose to see god in it that will direct us towards his "next thing" for us. it's true, faith will never waiver. it certainly doens't exist to keep us content and "happy". it can be a tough "humanly" journey where we want answers, want clarity, want direction and get frustrated when it doesn't show up immediately. i am still learning that, and i have an inkling, i will have to constantly be learning that my whole life. but here's what is cool about it all..... we have all heard that saying "god doesn't give you more than you can handle". and although it does not say those words anywhere in the bible, we often use that to make us feel "stronger", like "come on, get over it and move on". however, i recently read craig groeschel's book, weird. craig said something regarding this that has stayed with me. the reason i believe, that god never said this is because it is not truth. i believe that god is always giving us more than he can handle....why? so we can become MORE dependent on HIM, seeking HIM in all we do and thus, following HIS will and to not "lean on our own understanding." i am grateful for this complete dependence because what it boils down to is the journey to complete faith. i love how god has used loveSTRONG's beginnings to teach me this invaluable lesson. let's be FAITH together, team....

Jeni Barbush
loveSTRONG ministries
Executive Director

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