Friday, October 24, 2014

What if?

I admit it. I am a “What if?” kind of gal. Thoughts and plans are often centered on that question in my every day life. Sometimes it is good to go down that path while making plans. Like, what if I don’t have enough water in my car as I make a trip across the desert? Or, what if we don’t have enough money to live on in 20 years? Or, what if I don’t have the time to volunteer for that event after I said I’d do it? But, other times it is a distraction to the end goal.

God has given us the ability to make decisions and we often choose to worry about the details instead of trusting Him. He wants us to listen to His direction and act accordingly because it is always in our best interest. But, we often put ourselves in control forgetting how we can depend on Him in everything.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says,
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

What if I trusted? What if I didn’t try to understand? What if I gave Him my everyday decisions? What if my path was straight and He is in control? The only thing that is in the way is me and my thoughts of being in control.

It is a good idea to consider the question, “What if I don’t do the laundry this week?” Obviously you won’t be comfortable wearing dirty clothes. (And neither will the people around you!) But, in other areas of your day, listen intently to what God is telling you as you move through the moments. What if you did this everyday? You will gain the practice of confidence and love.

Sherree Fischer
loveSTRONG ministries
Speaker/Facilitator Team Leader

Friday, October 10, 2014

Baptized in Patience

My church holds Water Baptism ceremonies during regular church services every few months. I’m always blessed to see young children getting baptized and to see the excitement on their faces as they begin their journey with the Savior.

A few months ago I was particularly thrilled to witness the water baptism of an elderly woman who looked to be in her early 80s. What a merciful God we serve that He patiently waited for this woman for over 80 years to come to know Him personally.

Watching this woman emerge from the water I wondered at the people who were there supporting her and cheering for her. It’s likely that her cheering squad represented a group of people who may have been praying for her salvation for months or years; perhaps even decades.

I have several family members whose salvation I’ve been praying for, for many years. The temptation to give up on certain loved ones is sometimes overwhelming, especially when it appears as though our prayers are having no impact on their lives.

Just a couple of weeks ago I found myself getting particularly frustrated with a family member who simply wouldn’t “get with the program” and come to know the Lord. In the midst of my discouragement and worry that this loved one will surely end up in hell, God reminded me of the 80-year-old woman whose baptism I was blessed to witness a few months back.

God gently admonished me that I’m not perfect and I continue to mess up, yet He has never given up on me – thank goodness! Even though my loved one’s lack of enthusiasm for all things spiritual discourages me – I cannot give up on praying for their salvation and believing that eventually – they will get with the program – even if it takes 80 years.

If we have friends or family members that we find ourselves continually frustrated with because they haven’t yet accepted Christ, we must be steadfast in our commitment to pray for them. Even though we can’t see anything happening in the natural world, we must trust that God is still on the job and the program just might be about teaching us patience as we wait on Him.

“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” John 6:33 (NLT)

Blessings in Christ,
Kathy Kurlin